Welcome plebs!

I’m currently writing a parody of the modern literary classic, Spare.

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Latest from the Snarchives

Sparody: Prologue

Of three things I was certain: Willy and Pa were supposed to meet me fifteen minutes ago. They hadn’t texted…

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Welcome to Cozy Snark!

Do you feel bettered reading snarky commentary about a royal-adjacent prince and his Instagram-enthused domestic partner? Do savage, well-deserved parodies…

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Disclaimer: All content shared on CozySnark.com is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental or intended purely as parody, satire, or spoof of such persons, and is not intended to communicate any true or factual information about them. Any additional speculation or commentary that may be expressed in this content is chiefly based on my personal opinions and should not be universally accepted as fact.